Jesse Rowley

About me

I got my first taste of coding in grade 10 computer science where we were tasked with learning the basics of programming using the Turing language. I believe it was created by Alan Turing (link). Albeit a rather outdated language, it got me hooked; I was now able to solve problems using a computer instead of just playing Runescape (admit it every millenial asked someone else their woodcutting level at some point). The teacher of this class did very little to further enthuse me sadly, so it was not until First Year of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia that I got serious with programming.

My interest grew exponentially with every late night spent trying to figure out why a loop or if statement wasn't working. Since then I have programmed a Light Tracking Solar Panel (seen below), and begun on many side projects. Programming also encouraged me to transfer back to Ontario and ultimately to McMaster University where I am currently an Engineering 1 Co-op student with the intent of specializing in Software Engineering.
